Crafting a compelling, impactful story is no easy feat. Doing so requires intentionality, reflection, and practice. Over the course of the past few months, Sanger’s managing director, Jeff Domagala, provided storytelling coaching to several student participants of...
In today’s fast-paced landscape, understanding the intricate relationship between culture and human behavior is nothing short of unlocking a secret cheat code. Imagine having the key to influencing what people buy, what they do, and even who they aspire to be. That is...
The current coronavirus pandemic has created massive challenges for companies and for families. What are some ways you can grapple with the crisis now and learn skills for handling events like this or others in the future? Clinical Professor and Executive Director of...
The holidays are right around the corner and I am working through my to-do list. Here is how I’m doing so far: Do you have similar items on your list? Before you conveniently skip right over that scary #4, hear me out. If you are like me, the holidays can stir up a...
Faculty director Lindy Greer was recently featured in CNN Business with several tips for dealing with passive-aggressive colleagues. Her first tip is about simply starting an active listening conversation: “To create a safe conversation, you need a change of...
After a busy and rewarding winter semester, our team was eager to dive back into our book club. With a recommendation from Sanger’s new faculty director, Lindy Greer, we decided to read Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce...
Sanger’s managing director, Brian Flanagan, recently shared six tips to help distill complex messages into a simple story as part of an exclusive article for SmartBrief. Why does storytelling matter for leaders? According to the article, “being a solid...
The Sanger team’s book club recently completed Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well by Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone. Our team conducts a quarterly 360-degree evaluation for every team member, so we were curious to discover new...