Sanger Research Lab
Welcome to the home of the boldest ideas in leadership research! From the classic Michigan studies in the 1950s, to the continued global preeminence of our faculty today, we are leading the way for the latest trends in leadership research. Our faculty deeply care about the dissemination of bold ideas and are actively involved in designing and delivering leadership development experiences at Ross and in companies around the world.
number of publications (all time)
number of citations (all time)
number of editorial boards/editorships
About the Lab
The Sanger Research Lab was launched to accelerate the creation and dissemination of cutting-edge leadership research. To support the development of leadership scholarship, the lab provides an inclusive community for scholars from across the university (representing fields from medicine, psychology, marketing, management, and more) to share and receive feedback on early-stage research. The lab also offers research support, such as research assistantship and research fellowships, to faculty and PhD students.
To support the dissemination of leadership research, our faculty work closely with the Sanger team to ensure all of our programs, communities, and events are building on the best and most recent evidence-basis within scholarly communities. Sanger also works with our faculty to disseminate research ideas on social media, in blogs, and within speaker events (such as the Leadership Dialogues series).
Members of our lab love to connect with others and do so in many ways, including welcoming in new PhD students, postdocs, and faculty from across campus, sponsoring speaker events and conferences, and connecting our faculty with students, alumni, and companies (for research, workshops, coaching, etc.). If you’d like to get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Interested in getting involved?
Popular Press
#1 Most Read Article in the Academy of Management Journal for 2023
Academy of Management Journal: Do I Dare? The Psychodynamics of Anticipated Image Risk, Leader-Identity Endorsement, and Leader Emergence, Julia Lee Cunningham, Laura Sonday, and Susan Ashford
HBR on Leadership: Seeing Yourself as a Leader, Sue Ashford
Forbes: Embracing The Power Of Job Crafting: Your Path To Rediscovering Passion At Work, Jane Dutton and Justin Berg
Fast Company: Executive Functioning Coaching Isn’t Just For Kids. How Experts Are Helping Workers Adjust to a Hectic Working World, Jeffery Sanchez-Burks
Harvard Business Review: 5 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset, Susan Ashford, Maxim Sytch, and Lindy Greer
Michigan News: When Do Words Speak Louder Than Actions? Shirli Kopelman
Harvard Business Review: You Need Two Leadership Gears, Lindy Greer
MIT Sloan: How Leaders Can Optimize Teams’ Emotional Landscapes, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Christina Bradley, and Lindy Greer

Our Latest Research Articles
Hierarchy Conflict: Causes, Expressions, and Consequences:
Hierarchy conflict in teams, often seen as detrimental, can actually be constructive when driven by prosocial motivations rather than self-interest. Prosocially motivated team members engage in hierarchy conflicts less frequently and with more direct and less intense communication, leading to better team performance. This perspective challenges the traditional view and suggests that the motivation behind hierarchy conflict plays a crucial role in its impact on team dynamics and outcomes.
Schouten, M.E., Van Knippenberg, D.A., & Greer, L.L. (2024). Hierarchy conflict: Causes, expressions, and consequences. Organization Science, in press.
Discerning Saints: Moralization of Intrinsic Motivation and Selective Prosociality at Work
Intrinsic motivation is often seen as leading to positive work outcomes, but this research suggests it does not uniformly increase prosocial behavior toward all colleagues. Employees with high intrinsic motivation tend to moralize it, viewing similarly motivated colleagues as more moral and thus behaving more prosocially towards them, while perceiving less intrinsically motivated colleagues as less moral and behaving less prosocially towards them.
Mijeong Kwon, Julia Lee Cunningham, and Jon M. Jachimowicz, 2023: Discerning Saints: Moralization of Intrinsic Motivation and Selective Prosociality at Work. AMJ, 66, 1625–1650,
Examples of Current Research Collaborations
Paths to Leadership
Many in our laboratory are interested in who steps into, and who is granted, leadership positions. Ongoing research projects exist about who identifies as a leader, and how companies can encourage more people (including from diverse backgrounds) to self-identify as leaders and step into leadership positions. Research is also ongoing about who is granted leadership roles in organizations and how best to identify leaders in ways that are least biased.
Faculty and PhD students: Susan Ashford, Charlie Case, Julia Lee-Cunningham
Leader Communication
There are also ongoing projects about how a leader’s communication can optimize their team’s organizational performance. This ranges from the words leaders use in mass communications to the dynamics of information flow within team meetings. Being able to inspire hearts and minds in order to steer a team and organization to goal achievement is a key skill!
Faculty and PhD students: Derek Harmon, Julia Lee-Cunningham, Elizabeth Trinh
How Leaders Navigate Emotions at Work
Many lab members are also interested in how leaders navigate emotions at work, including how leaders recognize and respond to the emotions of others. Seeing the full human being of others is critical in order to help support and mobilize groups toward goal achievement.
Faculty and PhD students: Christina Bradley, Lindy Greer, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Derek Harmon, Elizabeth Trinh
Leading Diverse and Inclusive Teams and Organizations
Leading diverse and inclusive teams and organizations is a critical skill set. Our lab has several active projects on this topic, including one on the well-meaning steps leaders can take toward inclusion—which at times can backfire, as well as one on the criticality of diversity in powerful teams like boards.
Faculty and PhD students: Lindy Greer, Cindy Schipani, Morela Hernandez, Zoe Schwingel-Sauer, Laurel Detert

Our People

Susan Ashford
Michael & Susan Jandernoa Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Cropanzano, R., Keplinger, K., Lambert, B., Caza, B., & Ashford, S. J. (2022). The organizational psychology of gig work: An integrative and conceptual review. Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Lee Cunningham, J., Sonday, L., & Ashford S. J. (2022). Do I dare? The psychodynamics of anticipated image risk, leader identity endorsement, and leader emergence. Forthcoming in Academy of Management Journal.
- Lambert, B., Caza, B., Trinh, E., & Ashford, S. J., (2022). Individual-centered interventions: Identifying what, how, and why interventions work in organizational contexts. Forthcoming in Academy of Management Annals.

Justin M. Berg
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
Berg J. M., Wrzesniewski, A., Grant, A. M., Kurkoski, J., & Welle, B. (2023). Getting unstuck: The effects of growth mindsets about the self and job on happiness at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(1), 152-166.
Berg, J. M. (2022). One-hit wonders versus hit makers: Sustaining success in creative industries. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(3), 630-675.
Berg, J. M., & Yu, A. (2021). Getting the picture too late: Handoffs and the effectiveness of idea implementation in creative work. Academy of Management Journal, 64(4), 1191-1212.

Mike Barger
Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Recent Publications:
- Barger, M. (2021). High-Stakes Leadership in Turbulent Times: Why Stakeholders Are Your Greatest Assets…in Good Times and Bad. Silver Tree Publishing.

Charleen Case
Assistant Professor for Management and Organization
Recent Publications:
- Ketterman, A., Makhanova, A., Reynolds, T., Case, C., Mcnulty, J., Eckel, L., Nikonova, L., Flynn, H., & Maner, J. (2022). Prevalence and predictors of “nesting”: Solutions to adaptive challenges faced during pregnancy. Evolution and Human Behavior. 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.01.002.
- Dobersek, U., Stallings, B., Gabrielle, W., Case, C., & Maner, J. (2021). Does exercise make me more attractive? Exploring the relations between exercise and mate value. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 10.1007/s40806-020-00270-w.
- Case, C., Bae, K., Larsen, K., & Maner, J. (2021). Precautious nature of prestige: When leaders are hypervigilant to subtle signs of social disapproval. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 120. 694-715. 10.1037/pspi0000284.

Julia Lee Cunningham
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Gainsburg, I., Lee Cunningham, J., Larrick, R., & Klotz, L. (2021). Harnessing behavioral science to understand and address human impact on the environment: Editors’ note. Behavioral Science & Policy, 7(2).
- Cislo, C., Clingan, C., Gilley, K., Rozwadowski, M., Gainsburg, I., Bradley, C., Lee Cunningham, J., Tewari, M., & Choi, S. W. (2021). Monitoring beliefs and physiological measures using wearable sensors and smartphone technology among students at risk of COVID-19: Protocol for a mHealth study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(6), e29561.
- Lee Cunningham, J. (2020). A tale of a fashion e-tailor: Scaling dilemmas in entrepreneurship, Ross School of Business Case & Teaching Note, Case 9-416-726, Ann Arbor, MI: WDI Publishing.

Cheng Gao
NBD Bancorp Assistant Professor of Business Administration,
Assistant Professor of Strategy
Recent Publications:
- Gao, C., Zuzul, T., Jones, G., & Khanna, T. (2017). Overcoming institutional voids: A reputation-based view of long run survival. Strategic Management Journal 38(11): 2143-2329, November 2017 (Lead Article)
- McDonald, R. & Gao, Cheng. (2019). Pivoting isn’t enough: Managing strategic reorientation in new ventures. Organization Science 30(6): 1289-1318, November-December 2019
- Shi, W., Gao, C., & Aguilera, R. (2021). The Liabilities of foreign institutional ownership: Managing political dependence through corporate political spending. Strategic Management Journal 42(1): 84-113, January 2021

Lindy Greer
Professor of Management and Organizations
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow
Recent Publications:
- Yu, S., & Greer, L.L. (2022). The role of resources in the success or failure of diverse teams: Resource scarcity activates negative performance-detracting resource dynamics in social category diverse teams. Organization Science, in press.
- Umphress, E.E., Greer, L.L., Muir (Zapata), C.P., & Knight, A. (2021). Publishing impactful research in AMJ: Winners of the 2020 and 2021 impact awards. Academy of Management Journal, 64, 1-6.
- Knight, A. P., Greer, L. L., & De Jong, B. (2020). Start-up teams: A multidimensional conceptualization, integrative review of past research, and future research agenda. Academy of Management Annals, 14(1), 231-266.

Derek Harmon
Assistant Professor of Strategy
Recent Publications:
- Newman, D., Fast, N., & Harmon, D. (2020) When eliminating bias isn’t fair: Algorithmic reductionism and procedural justice in human resource decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 160, 149-167
- Harmon, D. (2019). When the fed speaks: Arguments, emotions, and the microfoundations of institutions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(3), 542-575.
- Harmon, D., Haack, P., & Roulet, T. (2019) Microfoundations of institutions: A matter of structure vs. agency or level of analysis? Academy of Management Review, 44(2), 464-467, dialogue.

Morela Hernandez
Ligia Ramirez de Reynolds Collegiate Professor of Public Policy
Faculty Director, Leadership Initiative
Recent Publications:
- Amis, J., Brickson, S., Haack, P., & Hernandez, M. (2021). Taking inequality seriously. Academy of Management Review, 46(3), 431-439.
- Hernandez, M., Johnson, H., & Wicks, A. (2021). Responses to religious identity threat in thick and thin cultures. In C. Caldwell, & V. Anderson (Eds.), Business Ethics: Perspectives, Management, and Issues. Hauppage, NY: NOVA Publishing.
- Hernandez, M. (2021). The problem with certainty. MIT Sloan Management Review. Online article.

Aparna Joshi
Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Joshi, A. Oh S., DesJardine, M. 2024. A New Perspective on Gender Bias in the Upper Echelons: Why Stakeholder Variability Matters, Academy of Management Review, 49 (2) 322-343.
- Dang, C, & Joshi., A. 2023. On The Politics and Plurality of Ally Work: Liberalism and self, relational, and organizational ally work. Academy of Management Journal, 2023, Vol. 66, No. 5, 1554-1585.
Rheinhardt, A. Briscoe, F., Joshi. A. 2023. Organization-as-Platform Activism: Theory and Evidence from the National Football League ‘Take a Knee’ Movement. Administrative Science Quarterly, 68 (2), 395-428.

Shirli Kopelman
Clinical Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Quinn*, R.W., Myers*, C.G., Kopelman, S., & Simmons, S.A. (2021). How did you do that? Exploring the motivation to learn from others’ exceptional success. Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD), 7(1), 15-39. [*Authors contributed equally]
- Kopelman, S. (2020). Tit for tat and beyond: The legendary work of Anatol Rapoport. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR), 13(1), 60-84.
- McCarter, M.W., Kopelman, S., Turk, T.A., & Ybarra, C.E. (In Press; Online First December 2019). Too many cooks spoil the broth: Toward a theory for how the tragedy of the anticommons emerges in organizations. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR).

Ethan Kross
Professor of Psychology and Management/Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Kross, E. (2021). Chatter: The voice in our head, why it matters, and how to harness it. Crown Publishing Group, Penguin Random House.
- Gainsburg, I., Sowden, W.J., Drake, B., Harrold, W., & Kross, E. (2022). Distanced self-talk increases rational self-interest. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 511.
- Verduyn, P. & Kross, E. (2022). Do social network sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model. Current Directions in Psychological Science, (31)1, 62-68

Dave Mayer
John H. Mitchell Professor in Business Ethics
Professor of Management and Organizations
Chair of Management & Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Hardin, A.E., Bauman, C.W., & Mayer, D.M. (2020). Show me the … family: How photos of meaningful relationships reduce unethical behavior at work. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161: 93-108.
- Kuenzi, M., Mayer, D.M., & Greenbaum, R.L. (2020). Creating an ethical organizational environment: The relationship between ethical leadership, ethical organizational climate, and unethical behavior. Personnel Psychology, 73: 43-71.
- Kuenzi, M., Brown, M., Mayer, D.M., & Priesemuth, M. (2019). Supervisor-subordinate (dis)agreement on ethical leadership: An investigation of its antecedents and relationship to organizational deviance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 29: 25-53.

Vitaliy Popov
Assistant Professor in the Department of Learning Health Sciences
Director of Learning Sciences and Technology for the Clinical Simulation Center
Recent Publications:
- Popov V, Ruis AR, Cooke JM. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Evolution of Accreditation Feedback for Simulation Centers Over 8 Years Using Epistemic Network Analysis. Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. 2022 doi: 10.1097/sih.0000000000000638
- Salavitabar A, Popov V, Nelson J, Benedict MD, Inniss DA, Mahajan AP, Cohen MS, Owens ST: Extended Reality International Grand Rounds: An Innovative Approach to Medical Education in the Pandemic Era. Academic Medicine, 97(7), 1017-1020, 2022. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004636
- Gabelica C, Popov V: “One Size Does not Fit All”: Revisiting Team Feedback Theories from a Cultural Dimensions Perspective. Group & Organization Management, 2020.

Venkatram Ramaswamy
Professor of Marketing
Recent Publications:
- Ramaswamy, V. & Ind, N. (2021). Company brands as purpose-driven lived experience ecosystems. The European Business Review, May-June.
- Ramaswamy, V. (2021). Foreword to interactional creation of health. Interactional Creation of Health: Experience Ecosystem Ontology, Task, and Method, Amazon Publishing.
- Ind, N. & Ramaswamy, V. (2021). How enterprises can create meaningful purpose together with their stakeholders. The European Business Review, January-February, 76-80.

Christopher Rider
Thomas C. Kinnear Professor and Associate Professor of Strategy
Recent Publications:
- Tan, D. & Rider, C.I. (2022). How the basis for status perceptions varies with perceiver status. Organization Science. [url]
- Pierce, L. & Rider, C.I. (2022). Supporting mental health at work (Comment on ‘The epidemic of mental disorders in business.’). Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(1): 56–69. [url]
- Rider, C.I. & Tan, D. (2019). Retention is not a strategic imperative: On the pros and cons of employee turnover. Ch. 28 in A. J. Nyberg and T. P. Moliterno (eds.), Handbook of Research on Strategic Human Capital Resources. Edward Elgar Publishing. [url]

Jeffery Sanchez-Burks
William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Sanchez-Burks, J. & Sytch, M. (2021). Reimagining the office for immensely human interactions. MIT Sloan Management Review, Reprint #62428.
- Sanchez-Burks, J., Bradley, C., & Greer, L. (2021). How leaders can optimize teams’ emotional landscapes. MIT Sloan Management Review, 62(3), 17-19.
- Sanchez-Burks, J. & Mor Barak, M. (2021). Interpersonal relationships in a global work context. In M. Mor Barak (Ed.), Managing Diversity in the Age of Globalization: Toward a Worldwide Inclusive Workplace 5th Edition* (pp. 213–232).

Cindy Schipani
Merwin H. Waterman Collegiate Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Business Law
Recent Publications:
- Avci, S.B., Schipani, C., Seyhun, H.N., & Verstein, A. (2021). Insider giving. Duke University Law Journal 619-700 (featured in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance at, selected for republication in the Securities Law Review 2022 (forthcoming), cited by the Securities Exchange and Commission in its proposed amend to Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and featured in the Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2021.
- Abney, D., Dworkin, T., & Schipani, C. (2021). Overcoming gender discrimination in business: Reconsidering mentoring in the post #MeToo and COVID-19 eras. University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 1072-1108 (2021).
- Schipani, C. (2021). Improving board decisions: The promise of diversity. Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality 295-315 (2021).

Walter Sowden
Incoming LEO Intermittent Lecturer in Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Baldwin, C., Berg, M.K., Yuan, J., Sowden, W.J., Kitayama, S., & Kross, E. (in press). How culture shapes moral reasoning about close others. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
- Sowden, W.J., & Jones, R. (in press). Amplified PTSD symptoms from self-attributed moral transgressions are linked to internalized moral identity during military deployment. Military Medicine.
- Trachik, B., Fawver, B., Trapp, S., Goldberg, S.B., Ganulin, M.L., Dretsch, M.N., McKeon, A.B., & Sowden, W.J. (2023). Measurement validity of the six-factor model of psychological well-being in a military sample: Implications for measuring well-being in service members. Psychological Assessment, 35(9), 729-739.

Gretchen Spreitzer
Associate Dean for Engaged Learning & Professional Development
Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Zen, G., Jack, G., Eva, N., Kaizid, K. & Spreitzer, G. (2022). An integrative multilevel review of thriving at work: Assessing progress and promise. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(2): 197-213.
- Pavez, I., Godwin, L., & Spreitzer, G. (2021) Generative scholarship through prospective theorizing: Appreciating the roots and legacy of organization development and change to build a bright future. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
- Spreitzer, G., Bacevice, P., Hendricks, H., & Garrett, L. (2021). Thriving in the new world of work: Implications for organizational community. Research in Organizational Change and Development. 28: 77-101. New York: Emerald Insight. An abbreviated version was published in the Organizational Development and Change Divisions of the Academy of Management newsletter.

Maxim Sytch
Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Sytch, M., Kim, Y.H., & Page, S. (2022). Supplier-selection practices for robust global supply chain networks: A simulation of the global auto industry. California Management Review, 64(2): 119-142.
- Sytch, M. & Kim, Y.H. (2021). Quo vadis? From the schoolyard to the courtroom. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1): 177-219.
- Uribe, J., Sytch, M., & Kim, Y.H. (2020). When friends become foes: Collaboration as a catalyst for conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(3): 751-794.

Jim Walsh
A.F. Thurnau Professor
Gerald and Esther Carey Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Strategy
Chair of Strategy
Recent Publications:
- Walsh, J.P. (2022). The road to love is never smooth: A look at PRME thirteen years on. In Mette Morsing (Ed.), Responsible Management Education: The PRME Global Movement, (pp. 47-75). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
- Donaldson, T. & Walsh, J.P. (2021). A theory of business. In Thomas Maak, Nicola M. Pless, Marc Orlitzky and Sukbir Sandhu (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility. Abington, United Kingdom: Routledge.
- Gioia, G., March, J.G., Olsen, J.P., Levinthal, D., Argote, L., Walsh, J.P., Meyer, A.D., Lant, T., Mezias, S., Shapira, Z., & Greve, H.R. (2020). A special “Provocations and Provocateurs” section honoring Jim March. Journal of Management Inquiry, 29 (2): 119-127.

Daphne C. Watkins
Letha A. Chadiha Collegiate Professor of Social Work
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
Recent Publications:
Abelson, J. M., Burgess, H., Limtiaco, F., Long, E., Brown, B.R., Hannawalt-Morales, D., Allen, E., Watkins, D.C. (2024). State Department of Health’s Equitable Funding Allocation Methodology to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among High-Risk and Underserved Populations. American Journal of Public Health. Aug 28:e1-e6. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2024.307833.
Watkins, D. C. (2022). Secondary Data in Mixed Methods Research. Mixed Methods Research Series. Editors: V.L. Plano-Clark and N. Ivankova, SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN-10: 1506389570. ISBN-13: 978-1506389578
Watkins, D. C., Goodwill, J. R., Johnson, N. C., Casanova, A., Wei, T., Allen, J. O., Williams, E. G., Anyiwo, N., Jackson, Z., Talley, L. M., & Abelson, J. M. (2020). An online behavioral health intervention promoting mental health, manhood, and social support for Black men: The YBMen project. American Journal of Men’s Health, 14(4): 1-17.

James Westphal
Harvey C. Fruehauf Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Strategy
Co-Director of ICOS
Recent Publications:
- Westphal, J.D., Zhu, D.H., & Kunapuli, R. (2022). Seeking input when the train has left the station: The decoupling of participative strategic decision-making processes and the role of new technology in symbolic management. Strategic Organization, forthcoming.
- Westphal, J.D., & Garg, S. (2021). Boards of directors and strategic management in public firms and new ventures. In I. Duhaime, M. Hitt, and M. Lyles (eds.), Strategic Management: State of the Field and its Future, pps. 397-412. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Keeves, G., & Westphal, J.D. (2021). From help to harm: Increases in status, perceived under-reciprocation, and the consequences for access to strategic help and social undermining among female, racial minority, and white male top managers. Organization Science, 32: 1120-1148.

Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- WYu, S., & Shea, C. (2024). The company she seeks: How the interpersonal prismatic effects of instrumental ties to high-status network contacts can reduce status for women in groups. Organization Science.
- Yu, S., Kilduff, G. J., & West, T. (2023). Status acuity: The ability to accurately perceive status hierarchies reduces status conflict and benefits group performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108, 114–137.
- Yu, S., & Greer, L. L. (2022).The role of resources in the success or failure of diverse teams: Resource scarcity activates negative performance-detracting resource dynamics in social category diverse teams. Organization Science, 34, 24-50.
Affiliated Faculty

Amir A. Ghaferi
President and CEO, Physician Enterprise
Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
Professor of Surgery
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin
Recent Publications:
- Peden, C.J., Ghaferi, A.A., Vetter, T.R., & Kain, Z.N. (2021). Perioperative health services research: Far better played as a team sport. Anesthesia & Analgesia.
- Fischer, C.P., Bilimoria, K.Y., & Ghaferi, A.A. (2021). Rapid response teams as a patient safety practice for failure to rescue.

Associate Professor of Management, CU Denver Business School
Recent Publications:
- Kwon, M., Lee Cunningham, J., & Jachimowicz, J. M. (2023). Discerning Saints: Moralization of Intrinsic Motivation and Selective Prosociality at Work. Academy of Management Journal, forthcoming.
- Kwon, M. “Moralization of Intrinsic Motivation,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022
- Kwon, M. “Intrinsic motivation display as impression management,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022

Associate Professor of Management, Michigan State University
Recent Publications:
- Hays, N. A., Li, H., Yang, X., Oh, K., Yu, A., Chen, Y.-R., Hollenbeck, J. R., & Jamieson, B. B. (2022). A tale of two hierarchies: Interactive effects of power differentiation and status differentiation on team performance. Organization Science, 33(6), 2085-2540.
- Matusik, J. G., Mitchell, R. L., Hays, N. A., Fath, S., Hollenbeck, J. R. (2022). The highs and lows of hierarchy in multiteam systems. Academy of Management Journal, 65(5), 1571-1592.
- Lee, H. W., Hays, N. A., & Johnson, R. E. (2021). To thine own (empowered) self be true: Aligning social hierarchy motivation and leader behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(7), 1033-1048.
Emeritus Faculty

Wayne Baker
Robert P. Thome Professor of Management and Organizations
Professor of Sociology
Professor of Organizational Studies, LSA
Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research
Faculty Director, Center for Positive Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Baker, W. & Quinn, R. (January 2021). Positive emotions, instrumental resources, and organizational network evolution: Theorizing via simulation research. Social Networks 64:212-224.
- Baker, W. & Chambers, C (March–April 2020). Robust systems of cooperation in the presence of rankings: How displaying prosocial contributions can offset the disruptive effects of performance rankings. Organization Science 31:245-534, C2.
- Baker, W. (2020). All you have to do is ask: How to master the most important skill for success. Penguin Random House.

Kim Cameron
Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Wolfe, R., Cameron, K., & Manuel, W. (2018). Big time college athletics. Cambridge: Harvard Business Press.
- Cameron, K., Dutton, J.E., Quinn, R.E., Spreitzer, G., & Kelly, J. (2017). Emphasizing the positive: Forming a strategic identity for the Ross School of Business. University of Michigan: WDI Publishing
- Cameron, K. (2017). Cross-cultural research and positive organizational scholarship. Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management Journal, 24: 13-32.

Kathleen Sutcliffe
Professor Emeritus of Business Administration,
Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Vogus, T.J., Rothman, N.B., Sutcliffe, K.M., & Weick, K.E. (2014). The affective foundations of high reliability organizing. Journal of Organizational Behavior. In press.
- Sutcliffe, K.M. Sensemaking. 2013. In D. Teece & M. Augier (Eds.), Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Goldenhar, L.M., Brady, P.W., Sutcliffe, K.M., & Muething, S.E. (2013). Huddling for high reliability and situation awareness. BMJ Quality and Safety, 22, 899-906.

Robert Quinn
Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
Recent Publications:
- Quinn, R.E. (2015). The positive organization: Breaking free from conventional cultures, constraints and beliefs. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Quinn, R.W. & Quinn, R.E. (2015). Lift: The fundamental state of leadership, 2nd edition. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Quinn, R.E., St. Clair, L., Faerman, S.R., Thompson, M., McGrath, M., & Bright, D. (2015). Becoming a Master Manager: A Competency Framework, 6 Edition. Wiley.
PhD Students
Research Lab Assistants
Contact Us
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