The Michigan Ross Leader Endorsement (MRLE), powered by the Sanger Leadership Center, is designed to recognize students who devote much of their Michigan Ross journey to developing their leadership abilities, gaining a competitive advantage in the job market, and...
The Sanger Leadership Center is thrilled to announce the addition of leadership coaching to its credential program, the Michigan Ross Leader Endorsement (MRLE). MRLE is designed for students who want to devote a large portion of their Ross journey to developing their...
This spring, the Sanger Leadership Center celebrated the achievement of 24 full-time and weekend MBAs who earned the Michigan Ross Leader Endorsement (MRLE). The MRLE was created by the Center in 2022 to recognize students who engage in leadership during graduate...
As Michigan Ross MBAs resume classes this Fall, a new offering from Sanger is now available to them: our micro-credential in leadership, the Michigan Ross Leader Endorsement. This micro-credential is unique among business schools in Poets&Quants’ Top 25; only two...