Our New Faculty Director Shares Her Goals, Priorities, and Favorite Fantasy Book Series

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Sanger News, Lindy Greer

Lindy Greer

Just after being named a “rockstar prof” in Poets&Quants list of the “Top 40 Under 40 Business School Professors,” Lindred (Lindy) Greer joined the Michigan Ross community this summer as an associate professor of management and organizations and the faculty director of our center.

In her first few months at Ross, she’s already made an impact: Greer has been busy prepping course content for the first cohort of Online MBA students as well as an elective course for the Full-Time MBA program on the psychology of start-up teams. She’s also been getting up and running with the Sanger team by contributing to Business + Impact Challenge during MBA orientation in early August.

We interviewed her over the summer to learn more about her goals and priorities, her research, along with a few fun facts.

Read the interview