Hierarchies serve a purpose at work: here’s how to use them well

by | Oct 9, 2020 | Leading Organizations, Lindy Greer

In an essay for the Michigan Ross Center for Positive Organizations (CPO) and the Greater Good Science Center, our faculty director Dr. Lindy Greer notes that workplace hierarchies are necessary. However, they are not always evil. Here, she discusses four keys to creating healthy hierarchies that create high-performing, thriving workplaces.

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“…Hierarchy is necessary to get work done, and it can be a force for good—better performance, relationships, and well-being at work—if teams are structured well and led by a skillful leader. If you’re forming a team or leading an organization, these insights can help you avoid the pitfalls of toxic power structures.”- Lindy Greer, Faculty Director & Associate Professor of Management and Organizations